we stay at th NTUC aound 2hours plus..playin n buyin things.hahas..total we spent for th BBQ things iis $127.40.wow...alot siax.dunno wad we buy also.hahas.after tat we went to jin hong house downstair n wait 4 him cos we ask him to keep th drinks..den each ppl take some go home..hahas
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Monday, March 30, 2009
29 march
went to meet val n others at serangoon mrt control station at 1 pm..when ii on th way there val msg miiex n tell miiex time change to 2pm cos she jux wake up..finally when ii reci ther saw ahmad n luthfie alrdy reci there so go find them den junlong come pass miiex money n he go off..den emilio come meet us also den left triniton n val still on the way..when all reci we thinkin go where buy the BBQ things.n we went bck to amk hub de NTUC there buy..
we stay at th NTUC aound 2hours plus..playin n buyin things.hahas..total we spent for th BBQ things iis $127.40.wow...alot siax.dunno wad we buy also.hahas.after tat we went to jin hong house downstair n wait 4 him cos we ask him to keep th drinks..den each ppl take some go home..hahas

we stay at th NTUC aound 2hours plus..playin n buyin things.hahas..total we spent for th BBQ things iis $127.40.wow...alot siax.dunno wad we buy also.hahas.after tat we went to jin hong house downstair n wait 4 him cos we ask him to keep th drinks..den each ppl take some go home..hahas