todae iis a fun dae.wahaha.wake up at 9 plus iin e morning switch on com n saw tiing tiing in msn tat she comin wit us 4 outtin norrt? she sae norrt sure play com watch tv till around 11 plus went 4 bath den prepare myself after went out around 12 plus to go bugis meet huimin.den both of us go food court 4 lunch after lunch went BHG ther walk walk n help huimin to find dress 4 wedding dinner de.haas.after bing jie come meet us den can't spot any dress so went to bugis street to walk walk n c c .went 2 second floor to walk cos ther alot of dress.den while shoppin we play somethin funny.haha.serect! shhh! ahaha.after tat ii spot 1 dress look lik th dress we saw at i ask huimin go c n she lik th dress so ask her go white n blue wan.miiex n bing jie lik blue wan cos nicer.haas.iin th end hui min buy th blue dress..ahahas.after bugis shoppin went to far east buy heels..haha.den shop till around 8plus den go take train back home when ii reci home already 9 plus ahaas. iis a veri funni dae todae.laugh th whole dae. 1 word to tell bing jie.n tat word onli 3 of us noe th meanin jie '' tai guo ren yao''