whet amk mrt station meet yanqi den went bugis street buy present for yushun.den go back amk hub go mos burger eat while waitin for jiajing, leeting n keatpeng.when they reci we headed down to yushun BBQ at below his blk de pit.den after tat yushun ahma chatted wit me awhile den yiwen they all come wait for them to eat finish den acc them go smoke den go to th basketball court to play basketball n disturb yushun little cousins..they so cute lor..especially th 5 year old gal call SHERMIN..u don't give her th ball she keep nag u, keep sayin 'giv me giv me' n ' muz pass team to team...so noisy.but cute..ha..
*- yushun.twins brother, thx inviting us to ur BBQ ;D
* PS : lazy to rotate th photo. (: