after tat go hua hua laoshi de lesson.BORED TILL SIAO!!den go 4 lunch.ii, huimin n tingting went to J8 to collect back myiie phone.tot need to pay $68 but th person sae no need..wreido...hahas.but good can save myiie $68...wahahahs, after tat go meet jinghui,val n bingjie at coffee finish den ii saw kevin..den he teach miiex how to draw.wahahah.after lunch go back skul for ah fat laoshi lesson.bored bored bored..he sae tat he will giiv us earli go backk but!!! we need to go bishan park to take some liao we playin while walkin to ther..reci ther tingting takin pic n miiex was behide whackin eddie n triniton.wahhaha.after goin bishan park, miiex n tingting went to far east n walk walk.after tat walk around.den frm ther we walked to PS..tat was far...some more myiie foot was injurt.some how ii dunno when ii injurt.wahhahah......went PS (plaza sin) to help zuoqian(ah gong) to buy box for his girlfrien de valentine present...hahaa... foot super duper pain.,..hais..