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Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
14 feb 09
iin e mornin wake up at 9.30am msg huimin n tell her tat ii wiil be late cos ii woke up late..after msg her.ii faster go prepare myself n prepare things 4 sentosa.went out of th house around 10 plus.went take train go bugis meet huimin cos she wanna buy valentine dae present 4 yanjun..when we reci bugis th ring shop '4gt th name of th shop le' she wanna brought rings but dun have yanjun size so we take train to cityhall n th rings already den we 2 went walk walk around there den ii ask huimin ii wan valentines dae ballon..den we go find but can't find.hais.sad.den went to food court to eat den when walk again.we frm cityhall there walk to marina.far siax.dunno how we walk 1.can walk till so far.wahaha.went back to vivo city to meet yiwen, xinyi, yanqi, qunghua, val and val stead.den should be meetin each other at 2pm but iin th end all late end up all reci vivo at 3 or 4 plus.siian.when wan go buy th train tickets time huimin sae tat too late le she wanna go back home for dinner.hais.after tat when to sentosa play n waitin 4 ginghui, pal, weihao n xin an.after playin went 4 bath den eddie sae tat wanna meet us but iin th end dun hav.went to vivo n th others go le.left mi n we go daiso buy somethin after tat went we come out of th shop den yanqi sae tat her bag kana ppl open den her hp lost.den ii acc her go back daiso n tell them n left my contact number to them iif they found th phone can contact mi.den ahqi veri sad keep on bei better dun let miie noe hu steal ahqi phone arhhx!! u dun hav money to buy phone mehhx? need to steal other ppl phone.knn...
moodless!!! reci home around 10 plus..hais

moodless!!! reci home around 10 plus..hais

Friday, February 13, 2009
when skul todae wit a norrt reali happi mood.cos myiie foot reali pain..hais. doesn't noe tat sundae iis boon seng we ask around th class ask them wanna buy cake 4 him norrt? den they say ok so val go collect money frm them. each ppl $2.haas. den when down to canteen find th lady teacher dunno how to spell her name.wahhaha.den take frm her $2 also. den mi,val,tingting, huimin n milowhen out n buy cake for him.veri HOT orhhx.sweat!! den when back to skul light up th candles when iin to th class n sing happi bdae song to boon seng.haha. fun n veri slack dae...wahahah.den slack around.den val gt so problem so ii take her to 1 place n ask her wad happen den giiv her big big hug.wahaha.after skul when bugis buy thin den when woodlands.till 9pm plus den reci tired...hais..
wanna go eat dinner enjoy th photo n video


wanna go eat dinner enjoy th photo n video
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